Celebrating the 40th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Australia.
Charosinperth would like to update you all with the several events that recently take place in Perth for Bhutanese Living in Perth. The most important event was our King’s Birthday and there were other events that has taken place recently for the Bhutanese People Living in Perth but before all charosinperth would like to update the very important event of our beloved King’s Birthday. All the updates will be in a piece of content of video format that individual wants to convey you a message or entertain you. Charosinperth will compile all the information to update you all in order to get connected and be together in our difficult times to help each other as a friend that is why we called it as CHAROS IN PERTH. Celebrating the 40 th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Australia. Bhutanese consider 5 th King of Bhutanese as people’s King because every citizen of Bhutan is considered as a family member under One Nation, One People and One Ki...